Environmentally friendly manufacturing

Aiming for a sustainable society, we take the environment into consideration in all aspects of our product lifecycle, from raw material selection to packaging and delivery. Creating products that utilize the natural resources of Oku-Noto directly contributes to protecting the local ecosystem and preserving the culture. In particular, we are committed to increasing the added value and utilizing materials that tend to be discarded. Chrysanthemum charcoal makes effective use of powdered charcoal that is not commonly used, and sake lees is a by-product of sake production that creates new value. These materials reduce waste and promote recycling, thereby reducing the burden on the environment.

The packaging of our products is also environmentally friendly. The tubes we use are made from biomass material derived from sugarcane, and the caps are made from environmentally friendly resin. The nonwoven fabric of our sheet masks is also made from natural materials and is highly biodegradable. These are environmentally friendly choices that aim to minimize the impact on the environment even after disposal.

Furthermore, we use mail delivery for product delivery, which reduces CO2 emissions and provides a sustainable delivery method, building an efficient and eco-friendly logistics system that takes into consideration the impact on the environment.

Our efforts are aimed at contributing to a sustainable future by seriously considering the environmental impact of each and every product. From raw materials to packaging and delivery, we have established a business model that coexists with the global environment through manufacturing that prioritizes environmental considerations.


Read our story that began in Oku-Noto

Development Story
Mysterious Material
Commitment to quality
Environmentally friendly manufacturing